FussAid is an innovative multimedia service designed not only for entertainment, but a service to bring your social experience to life. Our motto, constantly challenging perspective, stems from making content that goes against the norm. From far out topics, to cringing point-of-views, the experience from FussAid has proven to be presumptuous. Here you will find blog articles reflecting different lifestyles, diverse video content, memes/advanced imagery, and much more. As for our customer service, you can reach us through our platform or on social media. Schedule an appointment with FussAid to discuss which form of multimedia production we can assist you with. Whether it’s content to build your own brand or channel. Or possibly a business collaboration. State who you are, where you’re from, your business and how we can help in a message. A FussAid member will get in touch. Ready for a new topic, stop by and check out FussAid. Be sure to follow us on social media; as well as subscribe for the latest updates. FussAid, a space with no media limits.
Who Are We?
FussAid is a group of collective like-minded individuals that don’t turn a blind eye to the details of self-destructive tendencies and actions that go on in today’s society. We believe in the possibilities an capacities that people posses.
What Do We Do?
We aim to receive self-awareness in a form of critical thinking and accountability. Even though at times we may come across as” tough, insensitive, one-sided, self-righteous, etc. Our goal is to push critical thought and self-reflection to such a degree. Where we as people break the habit of self-destructive tendencies, brainwashing agendas, and following misleading stereotypical information that will ultimately put us against one another.
Where Can You Find Us?
Primarily you can find us here on our platform as well as our extended social media and online alternative outlets. If you request representation from our platform. Email us or message us on our social platforms to where we can setup to meet you.
How Do We Get Our Purpose Done?
Starting from the ground up as a blog. Our Writers contribute an ongoing plethora of articles to address current topics. Podcasts that reflect on our cause and adventures. Making representative appearances to communities and social events to spread our ideologies. We try to influence through all genres to how we see fit.
This website and its content is copyright of FussAid – © FussAid 2018-2024. All rights reserved.
Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:
you may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only
you may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the website as the source of the material
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