An extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. Have you ever met someone like this? Such an exaggerated sense of self to a degree that leaves you telling yourself. “What makes this person think he or she is so out of this world important? To completely walk in life in disregard of others feelings. To be blind to how one’s behavior affects the well-being of others. To justify misdeeds, selfish conquests, lucrative pursuits, social status etc. at the cost of those closest to you. To lash out in childish tantrums, property damage, and defamation for the sake of protecting one’s ego. To manipulate and use others as: pawns, pleasurable company, jesters and piggy banks. Constantly repeating and berating in your face how extraordinary, high-value, well accomplished, independently self-sufficient, god-tiered in comparison to anyone else. Just a constant torture of me, myself and I attitude. If you know someone like this, you just might simply be dealing with a narcissist.
Let’s dive into the essence of the growing trend of being what is called a narcissist. To begin, start with the sense of entitlement. People should always be at their convenience. They have this magical aura of immunity to rules and repercussions. Then there is the lack of empathy, as if “I” could care less of the feelings and effects impacted on others. Not to mention not owning up to their faults. Manipulative tactics to draw you in to fulfill their needs or establish control. Arrogance and admiration seem to go hand and hand. Then the praise from their exaggerated self-image. To which arrogance is amplified from the feeling of superiority.

How this character is a cancer to those in your community. The narcissist destroys loving relationships. Puts people against one another. Can be the cause of you losing your job. Cause violence amongst each other. Lead a person down a path of loneliness and self-destruction. Stopping growth and evolution in the mind, body, and soul. Embracing superficial qualities and materials that are costly. Being an inconvenience with time, effort, hard work, & money. Impact your health and cause madness. As humans we rely on one another, how can we ever prosper in a world that causes many to not see outside of social image. Selfishness to such a delusional degree only breeds self-destruction.
There are some studies, narcissism disorder has some mixed feedback whether or not it is a concern in society. It is defined as a person who is very self-centered, boastful and hungry for attention and admiration. Studies separated the core of narcissism into two types: grandiose & vulnerable. Grandiose qualities are high-levels of self-esteem, self-assured, imposing, self-indulgence, and disrespect for the needs of others. Vulnerable qualities are hypersensitivity to evaluations from others, defensiveness, bitterness, anxiousness, conceited, arrogance, and insistence in having one’s way. Studies have dated back since the 1960’s, yet other factors that play in the development of these personalities include genetics, upbringing, environmental factors, economic prosperity, and image obsessed culture. More in depth studies have begun in the wake of 2020. Narcissism has been connected to arrogance of supposedly “knowing” a lot of information; or the false pretenses and standards of being characterized as intelligent. This is due to the abundance of access to information from the internet or from simply getting good grades. Today due to envy stemmed from social media and FOMO, this induces the need to prove ones worth and the need to keep up a facade. This highlights unprecedented levels of anxiety, depression, loneliness, and suicidal thinking.
How can we save the afflicted with this disorder? Stand-up to these individuals. Give them an enlightening reality check that forces the narcissists to look at themselves in the mirror. Their kryptonite is strong souls because narcissists need weak individuals. Weak individuals that will agree and fall in line to the delusions to a seemingly parasitic relationship. The weak individuals are the ones’ that carry the narcissists egos on their backs through: fear, necessity, loneliness, lack of awareness and overall low self-esteem. They are easy to manipulate and that’s where the narcissist shines. So give them a healthy dose of reality not so much to save yourself, but to save their soul from a lifetime of a bitter reality.
To prevent this character from getting out of control embrace a more humbling experience. Put yourself in other people’s shoes. Don’t find fulfillment in just your own gratification, but helping others feel a shared experience of being winners as well. Walk a path that keeps you grounded and not on a high horse. Most of all, take a break from social media…

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