Imagine your typical average person. Not the most attractive, not the most athletically built. No flair, sense of interest, drive, motivation, or goal. Not the most socially alluring or somebody you can see yourself taking home to your parents. In fact you deep down don’t even like this person. You find them annoying, smelly, gross, insecure and not very fulfilling to your needs. Yet you forcefully subject yourself. Why? Not because you feel sorry for that individual. Not because you want to help. Not because you feel bad because your rejection could hurt them. No you stay for the simple fact that you want to increase your small following to capitalize. And your little friend happens to be the child of a billionaire, who can give you financial sponsorship. All a sudden just that thought alone has you tap dancing and doing all crazy acts to earn those tips.
Pay Pigs, we always knew what they were and have been around since the boom of social media. Now we have a more popular and generalized term for these individuals. Usually male but of course there are exceptions. Intentions and desires can range from the dream of finally receiving intercourse from the admired, to simply getting off to pure self-degradation. Meaning many of these individuals get gratification from literally being exploited and taken advantage of. Who knows? Some of them may actually think money is an even replacement for organic attraction. Or could it be low self-esteem and insecurity for the opposite sex? Pay Pigs might use their “retainers” out of fear of social rejection. So much money but not a clue how to invest it into something of true value. Could this be a form of psychological trauma?
Let’s look on the flip side, what is this phenomenon doing to the community? It’s over inflating and exaggerating the egos of the far less attractive. People are choosing degrading acts as a more convenient effort than getting an education. Some actually believe that Pay Pigs are considered a career move. As if acquiring a few love sick individuals who are willing to throw money away on a chance. Getting a few of them together and collecting their checks monthly is the most original hustle in the world. From the stories I hear a lot of these “opportunities” happen by chance with almost minimal effort.
Let’s get into some research. I will add that there is not a massive amount of studies specific to Pay Pigs, so we will look from the perspective of how it originated and the psychological repercussions that arise from. Findomme or “financial domination” is also viewed as money slavery that is actually seeked out. This is the next evolutionary step from the sex hotline from the 90’s. Of course to be a Pay Pig one must consent to the demand which is offering money for a service. From this perspective one could not fault someone who is willing to give their money away. For those that capitalize, hate the player not the game. How is this culture harmful? For starters this is a form of addiction. Just like any addiction it can leave you with an empty bank account or debt. This culture has increased the amount of internet scams, fraud and deception. This does not contribute to helping victims with their self-esteem; due to subjection to degrading acts, black mail, and public embarrassment. Some studies state that victims that get into this findomme, experience fear of: rejection, loneliness, humiliation, etc which is intensified by the perceptions of today’s society. The trend of financial debt induces the increase of suicidal tendencies. What about the lives of the “Dom” giving the “service.” The risk of being a victim of brutal violence, sexual assault, kidnapping, discrimination, as well as all kinds of legal issues in between. Does that sound like a healthy future to look forward to?
How can we turn this around to make a healthier lifestyle? For starters, society should look at these individuals willing to throw their life savings aways as a form of illness. An illness that parallels other illnesses like gambling. And just like any victim of a mental illness, these people shouldn’t be exploited and taken advantage of. Then what happens when so many victims full of bitterness have no outlet. They turn their sights on the innocent. We should seek some form of active treatment. Possibly a program to compensate for the lack of companionship and or social skills. Also to teach these individuals to properly invest their funds into something more productive and beneficial. Like stocks, donations to the less fortunate, or start their own helping programs to improve others lives. Having to learn the hard way from poor decisions should not have to be the answer. Nobody should suffer at the hands of others, even if it looks like both parties are “benefiting.”
What would I like for you to take from all this? If you happen to find yourself in a situation such as what was just reflected. Accept the flattery, and instead of seizing the opportunity to take advantage, try lending a helping hand. Give that person some insight to better themselves instead of them wasting the last of their resources on a hopeless delusion. Who knows? Just that act of selflessness might rub off on the next person…

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