One day you might wake up and realize where you’re currently employed isn’t exactly what you want anymore. Could it be an insufferable boss, or possibly a huge in policy and infrastructure. Wherever your destiny takes you, this could help open your eyes if your occupation is your “true” calling.
Weak Pay or Benefits
You ever looked at the paperwork when you were hired, and deep down you realize the money seems a bit short? Or have you made the decision to skip the benefits because you’re losing more keeping the insurance? The economy is tough enough. It’s even more insulting when you work hard, day in and day out and can’t even afford groceries let alone bills. Then the best part, they present it as if it’s the best deal you will ever get… how demeaning.
Careless About Human Feelings
You ever feel your voice wasn’t heard? Maybe you tried to air out your concerns but it is always deflected. Regardless, if you feel after a long conversation with your concerns and you leave the room scratching your head. Listen to your gut, the answer is more obvious than you think.
No Chance at Growth
It’s one thing to not get a chance at moving up the ladder. It’s an even bigger frustration when the higher ups keep you purposely at the bottom. Years go by and you see your peers leveling up pass you. Do you think you can stand the sight of seeing this?
Doing Twice the Work with No Rewards
Have you ever been cornered at work and heard some sad excuse which causes you to pick up someone else’s slack? The inconvenience is so nerve wrecking especially when you just want to go home. Yet their excuse is “it’s for the improvement of the company,” or somewhere along those lines. Then they wonder why your attitude has changed because you’re so exhausted.
Try talking to someone that only see money and numbers. The selfishness can be so infuriating. People like this biggest concern is not being able to go on that expensive vacation. Or afford to change their homes expensive add-ons and accessories. Meanwhile you are struggling to get 3 means a day… sounds insulting.
Looking Out for Themselves
It hurts when they throw you under the bus. It sucks when credit for your hard work is taken from under you. Even more insulting when the specific people in the work environment are best friends and only look out for each other instead of the overall well being of the team. How can you go on further?
Biased Opinion
You want to know if a person is bought out? Challenge their authority with some hard facts and see how much in denial they are about the situation. Half the time when an issue is going to be addressed, the higher ups have already made their decision. The interaction is premeditated and the reason they’re even talking to you is to make face. You ask yourself “why even waste my time if my opinion doesn’t matter.”
(Question) How Do You Know if an Occupation is Your True Calling?

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