With hoeflation at an all time high, social/dating apps making the search for a partner easier than candy. Morals so backwards its turning traditional roles into oppressive delusions. Maintaining a relationship seems more stressful than a full time job. Options in this case can easily make a good relationship turn into a nightmare. Do you have any doubts about your current arrangement? Here are some possibilities that could answer any conflicting thoughts.
Hates to be Seen in Public.
It starts to hurt when the only time you meet is at home or in closed doors. Maybe they don’t enjoy public displays of affection. Better yet they give you a strong impression that they don’t even want to be touched by you. Is it really a relationship when meeting their parents doesn’t seem to be an option? Does your partner treat you as the embarrassment in front of their friends?
Secret Activity.
Sure, so they have a heart attack at the thought of you glancing into their phone. It’s private, that’s understandable. Lying about who you’re out with. Saying you are in one place but that isn’t true. Using work as an excuse to be seen less often. Honesty seems to come short handed. With this type of behavior one might question what is really going on?
Not Open to Learning/ Working Things Out…
Time and time again, you try to express yourself and or explain your feelings. Yet for some reason it’s not registering. Or maybe its simply they don’t care to understand. Better yet it gets to a point where you ask “is it even worth taking the time out to fix.” If they don’t put in the effort, why even waste your time?
Making Delusional Excuses.
It’s one thing to have your feelings stepped on, but to justify the action takes it to another level. Then there is the denial, as if what took place didn’t exist. The big mental trigger is when the psychology is flipped, and now you’re being called crazy for having a natural reaction. What’s happening is the lack of accountability and insult to intelligence.
Money is the Root.
In some cases the partner doesn’t make enough money, so the loved one chooses to move on. In other cases the partner makes too much money. Which can manifest an inflated ego, causing commitment pressures. Are they thinking of taking money in exchange for sexual advances from others outside the relationship? Is money more important than your significant other?
Nagging/ Pointing out Problems
Ever feel like your partner is always highlighting all your issues? Issues that half the time feel as though they’re making up a narrative. Could this be a tactic used to induce a separation in your relationship? A person can’t go on forever hearing daily how they aren’t good enough in the relationship.
Loss of Respect
Do they disrespect you in front of your friends, family, coworkers, social media; in front of any camera in general? If so that person may have lost their attraction. While showcasing their true inner self towards you. You think it’s all jokes… until it’s not. In this case, to save your self-esteem, maybe it’s time to simply move on.
(My Question to You) Is the Promiscuous Lifestyle, a Healthy Lifestyle?
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