Imagine following and obsessing over a personality for years. Giving you: ideas, beauty/fashion tips, livestream interactions and so on. Competing in the industry and signing deals with companies that take away common people’s jobs. Only to find out that this character never existed; it was an artificial intelligence the whole time.
What’s the Story?
This article dives deep into the topic of the rise of social media artificial intelligent influencers and the possible dangers the community brings. Dangers such as: unrealistic views on beauty, the convenience of making A.I. generated content, and how it would affect “human” influencers who profit from online platforms. A.I. influencers have made headlines as far back as 2016 and companies are catching on to the huge profit in it. If that isn’t enough, these A.I. influencers are protected by copyright laws…
Why the Concern?
It’s not just influencers. Their are models, music artists, promoters, show stars all integrated in the communities. Remember these entities don’t sleep, eat, use the toilet, breathe like a human. Cheapest labor that can literally work around the clock. This asks the question is technology helping or harming us?
Possible Solution?
In a case such as this the power falls onto the consumer. Possibly if we “humans” choose not to accept and indulge into these companies, and by that means not to invest millions into the product, there wouldn’t be a demand for any of this. The real question is can we even disassociate with the current level of social media addiction?

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