So I guess couples are boring. I’ve been reading up on some interesting yet questionable dating and relationships. Apparently, the new thing that’s trending is adding more lovers in the mix, By mix, I mean marriages. I’m not one to judge, and what freaky things a person does, should be in his own privacy and safety. As long as it doesn’t interfere with my money, who cares what “weirdos” do in the dark. I see the dream behind the fantasy but is that really the drama you want in your life.
Are people really stressing, that two couple relationships are considered boring and old-fashioned. I mean we as humans were designed by nature to find a mate. I wouldn’t say its old-fashioned but a natural human trait. Like breathing. Now, I’m reading some far out stories of husbands letting there wives sleep with other men. I guess its okay if the candidate is trustworthy. How strong is that trust when the story said the wife ended up pregnant. Would it be easy to work things out then. If they were smart, they would have drew up some contracts and guidelines. I’m sure there are lawyers that have experiences in unique matters similar to this.
In all honesty cases regarding these messed up relationships usually points out the fact of being too lazy to put your heart, honesty, and love into it. The same people that are too insecure to leave the relationship. So desperate needing somebody at home to do the dirty work.. There is nothing wrong with being single, until that right person comes along. Yes, sometimes after long relationships, two adults can out grow each other. Be mature and separating yourself is hard but an option. People are lacking courage. I hate to see a trend of divorcing after a few years. You can’t get too bored and give up before trying to work on the problems. Also forever is a very long time. Isn’t marriage til death.
Just not sure if bringing a third opinion in the mix always works out. Sure for many “freaks” out there, having an extra body in the relationship sounds like a once in a life time opportunity. Does it work in the long run? Think about it. Three people, there is a high chance of always being out voted. Favoritism can occur and that can bring jealousy. Jealousy has a way of stressing relationships. Having to please 2 people consistently can be exhausting, both emotional and physical. Imagine the breakups. You think it will be a fun feeling when two people tell you they don’t want to be with you…. at the same time.
The heart wants, what the heart wants. Just don’t be stupid about some of these “awesome” ideas. I never felt marriage wasn’t a way to go, just some people aren’t always ready for it; whether they are ready or not. More importantly I feel marriage is being used more as a commodity as opposed to doing it for the true and beautiful meaning from the act of. Money and desperation causes wrong decisions. If a person marries in a group of three, do the life insurance have better benefits? I bet taxes have to be more expensive. This whole “Rethinking Monogamy” idea is a bit of a stretch. There is no reason to challenge the idea of monogamy because part of it is a sense of discipline. I mean its in the definition. Whether your exclusive or not, the gray area with this topic looks messy and unhealthy.
Not to mention, this just sounds like and easy way to catch an STD. I know they don’t nearly talk about STDs like they did in the 90s, but there still around.

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