Love… is it that feeling you get in your pants? How do you know if you truly Love somebody? Willing to spend the rest of your life with that individual? Factors such as security can pressure a perspective that isn’t entirely real. When you fall in Love, are you really blind?
A friend told me “Love is a waste of time,” but I don’t feel that is necessarily true. Yes, maybe she spoke from the perspective that in some people’s lives, Love can be an inconvenience to the paths we walk. We have too many distractions in this world, and it is too time consuming to feel the weight of another person’s emotions. But could that also be an excuse to hide fear? Sometimes we treat Love like a fundamental; work hard first, then play hard. Other times Love is a weapon that people use to play emotional games. Lust, the word is so closely associated with sex. But the basis of lust is desire. That feeling you get in really wanting, or extreme desire to attain what you seek by any means. What makes it so dangerous is that it brings out a not so desirable side to you. You begin to plot and mastermind your way into a close position, no matter who you manipulated on the road there. That’s why you see some blasphemous and outrageously perverted acts (example: sex trafficking) happening on the planet.
Is romance considered overrated? When we think of romance, some of us only highlight whats going to happen once you reach the bedroom. To others, we enjoy that rush leading up to the big finale. Sex is awesome but after the climax… then what? That’s why you do this thing called “getting to know the person before you spread eagle on them.” Reason being, other than avoiding STDs, involves avoiding that awkward situation of realizing there is nothing more interesting to this person other than seeing them naked. Also romancing is self-satisfying within itself. Don’t care what anybody says, there is no other feeling like being with someone simultaneously, both mentally and physically.
People need to value the in-expense of what romance has to offer. The idea is that this person tried to seek the best solution to your sadness by putting their heart out there. People appreciate the gesture. Don’t be a snot because its not shiny enough, cool enough, or from somebody that don’t look good enough. Vise versa, if you are doing the romancing, try with some consistency. If they don’t like what you are doing, don’t force it on them. Giving up is not the solution either; its called evolving Reader.
Now the real question is whether sex is considered Love… and its not. I mean that climax is like a drug that shoots you to the moon for like 5 seconds, but then what happens? Does that climax actually tell you how good of a person to whom you exchanged juices with? Does the climax tell you the details of their sanity after one session of performing the nasty dance? Grow up, a person’s merit isn’t measured by how well they get you off, but by the beauty of their heart. Just because she likes to give you vaginal hugs a lot, and very easy or just to anybody, does not ensure a heart of gold; it ensures that person is suffering tremendously and is addicted to the climax. I personally don’t mind putting the effort in achieving new lustrous affairs because it lets me know that my genitals won’t have an infected experience.
What annoys me sometimes is when I see couples that are clearly together, or maybe just one of them, for financial purposes. The sincere definition of Love shouldn’t be anchored by a check. If you think money buys real love, you need to “off” yourself. Sure life is a chess game and we all are playing to win. But I’m talking about true Love baby. What happens when you realize you may have met the one, but you’re too much of a greedy shit to follow your heart. When I think about it, people like this don’t deserve the real deal. Then some of these greedy people choose to get married thinking they have a guaranteed check. Find out slowly but surely this person you are married to is not what you are looking for. Locked in with this person for life because you have a kid. Then you look yourself in the mirror and ingest that huge pill that this may have been a mistake but by then your old and pass your prime.
Don’t kill cupid Reader, the value of sharing your heart with someone is always worth striving for. Not to mention there is always somebody out there for someone, just some cases are more special than others. Also spread the Love, don’t be a cock block, be a wing man. Lastly don’t over Love. A friend told me that sex can be seen as a form of connecting each others soul, forever leaving a part of each other. That’s why its so powerful and sometimes stronger than any feeling imaginable.

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