Amendment 1: Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. A powerful yet underrated right. Most importantly it emphasizes the broad spectrum of freedom of expression, to a certain degree. People forget that this is what keeps you from going to jail simply for using profanity. What allows us to do things without the fear of being purged for expressing personal beliefs. Its been terrifying on the media. How far is too far? It seems to me people say whatever is the first thing that comes to mind without thinking.
“If you ain’t laughing, you ain’t living,” an old honest expression. You ever feel sometimes its hard to get a honest laugh in. Like the fun inside has been beaten tender. The constant listening and witnessing of negativity day by day. I’m a crude humor type of person. I like my good old fashioned uncut humor. I grew up in a dynamic where anybody can get treated. What I’m getting at is we all are not the most ideal thing around. Anybody can get made fun of for being skinny, fat, dumb, ugly, too tall, too short, whatever. Exhausting dealing with the insecure vanity of others. As if been told by their parents too often they’re the most awesome thing around. Or you might get those people that love roasting everybody around them, but when the table is turned choose to fall victim. Too disconnected to laugh together.
I keep getting the impression that opinions to a person is about saying what you want and who cares how the other feels. But then there is a hypocrisy behind it. When opinions are served back, your told you don’t respect other people’s opinions. Or they say “I was just kidding” when the conversion gets too heavy. That pisses me off. “Just kidding” is just a way for people to say whatever mean $h!t they want and escape the repercussions of backlash. Childish, especially when people rally behind the victim and shames the other person. Like politics now, opinions use to be persuaded by facts. Since “facts” and news are a sensitive subject, it appears as though opinions are attached by personal vendettas. When I talk about personal or emotional, its usually hate. Some of us don’t reflect on behalf that first and foremost not everybody walks the same exact road. Habits and important values may have a different definition to someone else.
Opinion also requires a follow-up technique called active listening. I suspect the basis of all the blatant disrespect is only looking for the differences. Instead of embracing what differences can bring us together, we choose to be confrontational. Are we listening to those that have opinions for a new direction or are we listening for the hate speech about your enemy. What’s the basis for being overly confrontational. Usually the bullies come to be because they themselves have been bullied for an extended period of time. Or have been condescended a lot. Its basic psychology. Then as time moves on they turn that pain into expressive conflict. That’s how you have these sociopaths rally thousands, with their opinion baiting.
My point being, is are we talking to each other or just arguing. I know there are some people out there that just live for the fight and I say take a break. If you fight everybody constantly, then there will hardly be anybody left to stand with you. As people, and I don’t care who you are, we need somebody or some form of a helping hand. If somebody says something, that’s their opinion, no hands have to be thrown. Its called being the better person and some people still cherish that quality.

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