To shine, so many people chasing to be the center of attention. “ Clout chasing” plus “ Trolling” equals a “viral” moment or reaction on the internet. Wouldn’t you agree those are the basic principles to trigger a mountain of attention.
To make a career from being the center of attention; sounds stressful. People do some crazy $h!t, just to get one like: one follow, or one view. What do these people do it for? If I really needed so much attention, like to the point where my life literally depended on it; what would I do? What would I be like? From what a lot of the characters have in common is mastering the art of being an asshole. I told you my discovered equation and these characters know how to troll and clout chase. I wrote before how sensitive society gets. These people are prey, food to feed viral moments.
I want to ask these “viral addicts,” have you ever thought about your impact. The way people depict you, how people really view you. They say they do, but I don’t really think so…. especially long term wise. The time they invest in for those viral moments, its clear you don’t have a real job. Clear you don’t have much to offer. No more than what you would find in the mirror; and talking to yourself. Not to mention how much health you’re sacrificing to invest. From starting toxic arguments, hurting yourself from fights or stupid stunts, ruining your image and someone else, throwing away your dignity and your self-worth. All for fame, it doesn’t contribute to anything.
One thing to see ladies do it, I feel like vanity (in essence) is a natural competition for them in its own right. Fellas that need the camera on them more than most women. Those guys need an “ass whooping” sometimes. As if the only reason for all this insane viral chasing, is just for bragging rights. Reader, you and I both have seen constantly on television. Adults throwing away marriages, families, best friends,endorsement deals, jobs, etc. All for what… bragging rights?
I watched a lot of interviews, especially the one’s that love to headline viral addicts. These people are really not that interesting. All all they want to talk about is themselves. And it’s nothing informative, like what drives them to do what they do; usually its just money. Usually always about why people watch them. Why “I’m the hottest on the internet.” Why I’m the biggest center of attention. All of them are the same. New trend is crazy uncoordinated colored hair, overkill on tattoos, obnoxious yet arrogant attitude, and an unnecessary amount of disrespect. But at the end of the day they are wildly entertaining. When I think about it, that’s what they do best… right?
Prima donna era of today can be so annoying. They care about how they look so much that half of them already look ridiculous. Clothes I agree should be on point. Looking clean can be a low yet lame quality. What happens when you have no buzz from just that? I feel like they’re not doing anything different than the previous era they’re “originating” from. People didn’t care so much about clothing brands until hip-hop took over. People have been dying for that online viral moment since the Soulja Boy Crank Dat days. Woman have been modeling as a second job online since MySpace. Once we look at the history, the buzz isn’t so significant.
Speaking of a “buzz,” as hard as FussAid tries, it’s not easy. Blogs are boring and bringing up the word blog looses a person’s interest. Especially anonymously. If I knew the answer I would tell you; only long after we take what we need from those secrets first.

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