Say no to drugs, I feel so old saying that. Some of us remember that use to be one of the biggest slogans on commercials in the 90’s. Remember a time when drug awareness was about how harmful it can do to a person’s life. Now drug awareness is how it feels good in your body. I’m not just talking about illegal. They promote Viagra pills as common as candy brands. Dietary pills that are suppose to change lives. Pills subconsciously feel like the answer to a lot of people’s “problems.” Just saying there is a difference between problem and dependency.
Let’s be honest stress can be a bit overrated. Pain, everyone goes through some physical and or emotional form of it. For some of us, we can be desperate for an escape or a source of inspiration. Addiction, a psychological weapon that can cripple a person in a heartbeat. So whats the first solution, see a doctor and get some pills. I’m worried how it affects some of our loved ones. Has anyone heard of Ibuprofen 800. Its not a big deal in its low dose, used to take away headaches. In its 800 strength form, can make you feel closer to the most high. And this is the type of stuff your grandma would take, and usually gets it by the handful.
Dangerous to treat pills as the answer. I’ve walked into pharmacies and seen so many people go crazy on nice individuals. All because they didn’t get either there depression or narcotic for the day. Crazy individuals showing there ugliness because they can’t afford the copay after the insurance. If its that serious, these rage addicts should consider cannabis. I’m not promoting the usage of cannabis but you have to consider the helpful benefits and cost convenience. From relieving an old person’s body aches, to helping kids with seizures, can’t deny its usefulness. Why choose a pill that’s the size of a sniper bullet, with so many demeaning side effects, and that your insurance most likely won’t cover? Yes, and I do feel like insurance don’t like to do what they are suppose to and that’s insure people. Some of these old timers are sick of having to earn a few extra days of physical pain because the insurance conveniently changes there plan policy; just before the next pick up.
I believe in the saying that everything is good in moderation. This goes for physical, emotional, and psychological. Drugs finds its gray areas. Is it okay to raise the prices of health dependent prescriptions? Like that time when the HIV prescription prices skyrocketed, what did that say to us people. That we are disposable and our money and health says that. How about how we advertise it on television. Xanax, such a wondrous drug, helpful to many but shouldn’t be popularized. I think some of the powers that be are getting greedy. Alternatives are out there but if we are hooked on these pills, then they have a hook into our pockets. Severe addicts would do anything for a fix. Gradually raise the price on these pills, and let debt kill them off. You know how many suicides are caused from overdoses.
Careful, addiction is a slippery slope. Alcoholism is at an all time high. Depression is a common friend to the enemy. Cannabis should be treated with more or less restriction in relation to alcohol but with more safety. We should be careful with the power behind drugs. Think about it, if they legalize cannabis, whats next, free usage of common prescription drugs; cocaine maybe. How many people are going to die, a lot of young people think its fun to use. May sound extreme, but its scary to say that society is forcefully moving in a direction where everything is trying to be acceptable, and I mean everything. And not “everything” is acceptable.
Now lets say they do legalize most of these drugs. Who does it hurt? All the dealers on the streets, that don’t have a job. I know some people that have to do some dirt to get a meal in. For some of these individuals, that’s all they know how to do and don’t know anything else. What happens with no clientele. Can’t put trafficker on a resume.
How crazy are things going to be when the side hustle can’t feed their families anymore; its already starting with no jobs.

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